人类脑中脑中的背景利用异质感官信息,以有效地执行包括视觉和听力的认知任务。例如,在鸡尾酒会党的情况下,人类听觉Cortex上下文中的视听(AV)提示才能更好地感知言论。最近的研究表明,与音频SE模型相比,AV语音增强(SE)模型可以显着提高信噪比(SNR)环境的极低信号的语音质量和可懂度。然而,尽管在AV SE的领域进行了显着的研究,但具有低延迟的实时处理模型的开发仍然是一个强大的技术挑战。在本文中,我们为低延迟扬声器的独立AV SE提供了一种新颖的框架,可以概括一系列视觉和声学噪声。特别地,提出了一种生成的对抗性网络(GaN)来解决AV SE的视觉缺陷的实际问题。此外,我们提出了一种基于神经网络的深度神经网络的实时AV SE模型,考虑到从GaN的清洁的视觉语音输出来提供更强大的SE。拟议的框架使用客观语音质量和可懂度指标和主观上市测试对合成和真实嘈杂的AV语料库进行评估。比较仿真结果表明,我们的实时AV SE框架优于最先进的SE方法,包括最近的基于DNN的SE模型。
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基于深度学习(DL)的语音增强方法通常优化,以最小化干净和增强语音功能之间的距离。这些经常导致语音质量改善,但它们缺乏普遍化,并且可能无法在实际嘈杂情况下提供所需的语音可懂度。为了解决这些挑战,研究人员已经探索了智能性(I-O)丢失函数和用于更强大的语音增强(SE)的视听(AV)信息的集成。在本文中,我们介绍了基于DL的I-O SE算法利用AV信息,这是一种新颖且以前未开发的研究方向。具体而言,我们介绍了一个完全卷积的AV SE模型,它使用改进的短时客观可懂度(STOI)度量作为培训成本函数。据我们所知,这是第一个利用基于I-O的I-O的损耗函数的AV模式集成的第一项工作。比较实验结果表明,我们提出的I-O AV SE框架优于与传统距离的损耗功能训练的仅音频(AO)和AV模型,就标准客观的扬声器和噪声处理。
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Visual language such as charts and plots is ubiquitous in the human world. Comprehending plots and charts requires strong reasoning skills. Prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) models require at least tens of thousands of training examples and their reasoning capabilities are still much limited, especially on complex human-written queries. This paper presents the first one-shot solution to visual language reasoning. We decompose the challenge of visual language reasoning into two steps: (1) plot-to-text translation, and (2) reasoning over the translated text. The key in this method is a modality conversion module, named as DePlot, which translates the image of a plot or chart to a linearized table. The output of DePlot can then be directly used to prompt a pretrained large language model (LLM), exploiting the few-shot reasoning capabilities of LLMs. To obtain DePlot, we standardize the plot-to-table task by establishing unified task formats and metrics, and train DePlot end-to-end on this task. DePlot can then be used off-the-shelf together with LLMs in a plug-and-play fashion. Compared with a SOTA model finetuned on more than >28k data points, DePlot+LLM with just one-shot prompting achieves a 24.0% improvement over finetuned SOTA on human-written queries from the task of chart QA.
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Visual language data such as plots, charts, and infographics are ubiquitous in the human world. However, state-of-the-art vision-language models do not perform well on these data. We propose MatCha (Math reasoning and Chart derendering pretraining) to enhance visual language models' capabilities in jointly modeling charts/plots and language data. Specifically, we propose several pretraining tasks that cover plot deconstruction and numerical reasoning which are the key capabilities in visual language modeling. We perform the MatCha pretraining starting from Pix2Struct, a recently proposed image-to-text visual language model. On standard benchmarks such as PlotQA and ChartQA, the MatCha model outperforms state-of-the-art methods by as much as nearly 20%. We also examine how well MatCha pretraining transfers to domains such as screenshots, textbook diagrams, and document figures and observe overall improvement, verifying the usefulness of MatCha pretraining on broader visual language tasks.
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Deep Learning and Machine Learning based models have become extremely popular in text processing and information retrieval. However, the non-linear structures present inside the networks make these models largely inscrutable. A significant body of research has focused on increasing the transparency of these models. This article provides a broad overview of research on the explainability and interpretability of natural language processing and information retrieval methods. More specifically, we survey approaches that have been applied to explain word embeddings, sequence modeling, attention modules, transformers, BERT, and document ranking. The concluding section suggests some possible directions for future research on this topic.
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Through their transfer learning abilities, highly-parameterized large pre-trained language models have dominated the NLP landscape for a multitude of downstream language tasks. Though linguistically proficient, the inability of these models to incorporate the learning of non-linguistic entities (numerals and arithmetic reasoning) limits their usage for tasks that require numeric comprehension or strict mathematical reasoning. However, as we illustrate in this paper, building a general purpose language model that also happens to be proficient in mathematical reasoning is not as straight-forward as training it on a numeric dataset. In this work, we develop a novel framework that enables language models to be mathematically proficient while retaining their linguistic prowess. Specifically, we offer information-theoretic interventions to overcome the catastrophic forgetting of linguistic skills that occurs while injecting non-linguistic skills into language models.
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